
Lesbians jokes, (in poor taste..)

Now that the province of Ontario has an 
openly gay female Liberal Premier..
We'll have to learn a new term known as
'Lesbionics'....and many more

What do you call a pantry full of lesbians?
~A licker cabinet

What do you call an Eskimo lesbian?
~A Klondyke

What do you call two lesbians in a canoe?
~Fur traders.

What do you call a lesbian with long fingers?
~Well Hung.

How can you tell a tough lesbian bar?
~Even the pool table doesn't have balls.

What's the difference between a Ritz cracker and a lesbian?
~One's a snack cracker; the other's a crack snacker.

What do you have when you've got
50 lesbians and 50 Ontario provincial government workers?
~100 people that don't do dick.

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