The US Navy is considered the master of six oceans. But Russia, Canada, and Demark have the upper hand in the seventh [Sad]
Area man discovers that when investing in the Franklin Mint 401(k), past performance is not indicative of future results [Fail]
15-year-old has to wear two-sided sign that reads, "I have a bad attitude. I disrespect people who try to help me" [Spiffy]
Celebrate the Hubble Space Telescope turning 22 with this amazing gallery of pictures it has taken over the years [Cool]
Scientists discover that power is as addictive as cocaine, but harder to grind up and snort [Interesting]
Canadian sci-fi convention announces entire cast of Star Trek TNG as guests. C) Too many nerds turn up, failarity ensues [Obvious]
London council to residents: "Thanks for all your complaints about drug addicts causing problems. Due to an administrative error we have given your names and phone numbers to the drug addicts....we're good though, right?" [Asinine]
Al-Qaida looking to outsource future attacks [PSA]
Drunk driver crashes into liquor store. JACKPOT [Dumbass]
Head of B.C.-based crime syndicate gunned down
Red Cross doctor found beheaded in Pakistan
Booze and drugs send 27 to hospital
Germany starting gun registry
Judging the judges
Al-Qaida offers to free Briton if cleric released
Google launches assault on Microsoft
iPhone-carrying bra is no bust
Dell says XPS 13 ultrabook exceeds sales expectations
Apple responds to tax criticism by highlighting job creation
Australia probes download, software pricing disparities