
Fart Football:

 An old married couple no sooner hit the pillows when the old man passes
> gas and says, 'Seven Points.'
> His wife rolls over and says, 'What in the world was that?'
> The old man replied, 'its fart football.'
> A few minutes later his wife lets one go and says 'Touchdown, tie
> score.'
> After about five minutes the old man lets another one go and says,
> 'Aha. I'm ahead 14 to 7.'
> Not to be outdone the wife rips out another one and says,
> 'Touchdown, tie score.'
> Five seconds go by and she lets out a little squeaker and says,
> 'Field goal, I lead 17 to 14.' Now the pressure is on the old man.
> He refuses to get beaten by a woman, so he strains real hard.
> Since defeat is totally unacceptable, he gives it everything he's got,
> and accidentally poops in the bed.
> The wife says, 'What the hell was that?'
> The old man says, 'Half time, switch sides.

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